Psalm 46:10
"Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the world."
Oh, the greatness of such words. The truth and life and peace laid behind such words. The blessings that are received in response given to such words.
Here I am; wondering, questioning, asking, thinking, trying, doing. And God's only request, His very only response is, "Be still and know that I am God."
Like most, I get wrapped up in circumstances and problems and I let myself worry away in time. I'm anxious, stressed, and concerned about anything that seizes my control over things. After hours and days filled with worry, after constant praying and even the shedding of tears, God's only response is, "Be still and know that I am God."
When my joy is gone and life seems out of control; when I'm searching and seeking out every area, every page, every inch of God's word looking for hope, looking for life, His only response is, "Be still and know that I am God."
When I'm lost in the ways of the world trying to find a way out; when I'm alone trying to grab ahold of even the slightest glimpse of something, His only response to me is, "Be still and know that I am God."
Even the times when I'm trying and thinking of ways to do something for Him. When I'm praying for ways to serve Him. After so many prayers and so much time gone by, His only response to me is, "Be still and know that I am God."
I spend so much time trying to figure out what's next. Or asking why. Or worrying or wondering what's going on. What should I do? What should I BE doing? Or worse yet, I am doing... what I SHOULDN'T be.
Why is it so hard to be still and know God? Why is it so hard to do nothing except take in the precious gift of life through Jesus Christ? Why is it so hard to focus on a love that entirely shapes my very being? Why is it so hard to set my eyes on His Sovereignty? Why is it so hard to just be quiet and receive the grace, and truth, and love of God? Why? Because I am broken. Because I am a sinner. Because I am selfish. Because I am human.
I take my eyes from Him and put them on myself. I take my focus of what should be on Him and I put it on me. Instead of being still and seeing and knowing Him, I run a hundred miles per hour doing everything in my OWN power just to wind up going no where.
What if I, no! What if we were all to just be still and know God? What if we were to stop running, stop searching, stop trying and were to be still instead? What if we were to be still and know God? To know Him, to see Him, to hear Him? To take our eyes and hearts from ourselves and see His goodness, His sovereignty, His love? What if we were to be still and know God?
Psalm 46:10
"Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the world."
It is in that simple response, to be still and know God, that He is honored and glorified. It is when we let go of our worry, our questions, our thinking, our doing, and our way, and we sit in silence taking in God's greatness that His glory is revealed. It's in the moments of quieting ourselves and finding His holiness and His sovereignty, that His grace, and His mercy, and His love flow. It is letting go of our circumstances and letting God be God. It is in that that He is honored. It is then that He is glorified. And in all that, we are given such a stillness, such a peace that there's nothing more to do than be still and know God.
What if we all were to be still and know God?